A new study by Indian scientists has developed a new type of light-emitting diode (LED) that emits pure white light in a stable manner. This achievement is expected to have a major impact on the lighting industry, and eventually let pure white LEDs enter thousands of households. Related papers were published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C, newly published by the American Chemical Society in 2007.

White light diodes must be applied to everyday life. Brighter, more durable and more energy-efficient are issues that scientists must face and solve. Only in this way, LEDs are expected to eventually replace incandescent and fluorescent lamps. However, so far, scientists have not developed white light diodes that can meet these requirements. White light is often mixed with mottled colors and is not stable.

In the latest study, DD Sarma and Angshuman Nag of the Indian Institute of Science used a semiconductor nanocrystal formed by cadmium sulfide doping of manganese to create a new phosphor. It enables the diode to emit stable, long-lasting white light with performance and performance that exceeds that of previous generations of white light diodes.

Researchers are currently working to improve the luminous efficiency of new white light diodes in order to achieve everyday applications.
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